
How Liposuction Can Improve Your Health

When you think about liposuction, you often think about a surgical procedure that people seek for cosmetic purposes. Liposuction is a quick and effect way to remove excess fat from areas of the body. While many patients choose to undergo a liposuction procedure to remove access fat, there are several medical conditions that liposuction helps to alleviate. Here are five medical conditions this procedure is proven to treat. 


Gynecomastia is a condition that affects boys and men. It occurs when there is a reduction in testosterone or an increase in estrogen levels. One of the most prominent signs of gynecomastia is the development of swollen and enlarged breasts. Diet and exercise do not reduce the excess breast tissue. Liposuction removes excess fat, allowing the tightening of the skin. Liposuction helps men restore their manly appearance. 

Fixes Abnormalities Caused by Extreme Weight Loss 

Gastric bypass surgery helps many people who are morbidly obese achieve a healthy body weight. Unfortunately, losing a significant percentage of their BMI, patients who have undergone gastric bypass surgery are left with excess skin and other skin abnormalities. Liposuction helps to remove sagging and excess skin, helping it return to a more tightened state. 


Lipomas are benign, soft-tissue tumors that are made up of fat cells. The painless tumors can grow to more than six centimeters in size. When the tumors become too big, or multiple growths start to create a problem, they get removed. The removal of the lipomas using liposuction is a less-invasive treatment that does not leave the skin scarred or disfigured. Liposuction eliminates the chance of recurrence, and patients are left with a satisfactory, cosmetic outcome. 

Lipodystrophy Syndrome 

Lipodystrophy Syndrome is a condition that is characterized by the accumulation of fat in areas of the body. These fat deposits are often permanent. This syndrome’s symptoms include having excess fat around the abdomen, gynecomastia, enlargement of the neck, fat deposits underneath the skin, and a hump-like formation on the back. These excess fat deposits create an unnatural appearance. Liposuction creates a more natural look by creating an even distribution of body fat. 

While liposuction is a common cosmetic procedure, not everyone who seeks cosmetic surgery does so for aesthetic reasons. There are several medical conditions that use liposuction as an effective treatment. If you are interested in how liposuction can treat your medical condition, please get in touch with us for a consultation.

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