
How Liposuction Can Improve Your Health

When you think about liposuction, you often think about a surgical procedure that people seek for cosmetic purposes. Liposuction is a quick and effect way to remove excess fat from areas of the body. While many patients choose to undergo a liposuction procedure to remove access fat, there are several medical conditions that liposuction helps …


5 Celebrities Who Have Had Liposuction

Hollywood is known for being home to some of the most beautiful people in the world. Celebrities have always had stunning physiques and slim figures, which can often be due to liposuction. Although you may assume that A-listers are naturally thin, there are a few who have had liposuction to maintain their figure and enhance …


Hyperpigmentation: A Guide For Melasma, PIE & PIH

What is Hyperpigmentation? Hyperpigmentation is an umbrella term meaning any condition that leads to discoloration or darkening of the skin. There are many causes of hyperpigmentation, but the most common forms results from excess sun exposure, eczema, psoriasis, and your acne.  But how does discoloration and darkening of the skin form? The answer is melanin.  …